
Taurus Monthly Horoscope

January 2025

You have to stop the movement and speed of the heart, for the person you have chosen is not the most appropriate for this time in your life. The companions are crucial to arrive or not to the point we want. And love is a journey that must always go forward. The setbacks we are not allowed in an area that will allow us to evolve and not cling to the ballast insists pull us to the bottom. This month the Moon will test your heart, and wants your relationships, especially love. They say they receive the love we think we deserve. This would mean that we are with the person we judge the most suitable, which fills our dreams ... Is it really so? It is not, of course, assume that the stars must separate or begin divorce proceedings. It is plain that invite you to reflect on the level at which you have arrived in your relationship. Are you at the point you dreamed there? We are passionate beings moves we love and need to be loved, but we are also beings who tend to comfort, to routines, to the serene stillness. Therefore, we often settle rather than keep looking, and we love given to us in the way we are given, and we require. However, it is not the mandate of love. Lovers should be exceeded at each other, afford the experience of growth, evolution ... The person who loves us compels us, in a way, the abyss not to fall, but to learn to fly. Is that the love you have?

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